Why Water is the Perfect Holiday Drink
During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in everything that needs to be done. Cleaning the house, buying gifts, sending cards, but you must take care of yourself too. Water should be a big part of your holiday season so you stay healthy. So, with that in mind, heres Atlantic Coast Water guide to Keeping Hydrated During the Festive Season: Why Water is the Perfect Holiday Drink.
Why Do You Need Water?
Because our bodies are mostly made of water, it makes sense that we drink it often. Why? If you become dehydrated, your energy levels will plummet. Becoming dehydrated doesn’t just happen in a desert or after running a marathon; it can occur because of bad habits. We need to drink water all day long to keep from getting dehydrated. If you only experience thirst after exerting yourself, then chances are you are already dehydrated. Our bodies adjust to a lack of water, so we become thirsty less often as a result.
Water Boosts Energy Levels for the Holidays
As we just discussed, water is essential to stave off dehydration. If you don’t stay hydrated, then fatigue is sure to follow. If you want to maintain energy levels to keep up with a busy holiday season, drink at least 15 glasses (125 ounces) of water daily. So, if you drink the amount of water you should, getting a turkey, Christmas Tree, or gift shopping won’t take a toll on you.
Water Gives You Healthy Skin for the Holidays
Most people want to look their best for the holidays, buying new clothes and spending a few extra minutes at the gym. Part of looking good is your skin; water can help you have great-looking skin. Staying hydrated will tighten your skin and make it look less dry. When those family photos make the rounds, you won’t cringe when you see your skin condition in the pictures.
Water Beats Holiday Hangovers
Holiday office parties are a great way to bond with co-workers, or a New Year’s Eve party is a great way to ring in the year, but both usually involve alcohol. If you overdo it, especially if you don’t drink often, you are likely to awaken the next day with a merciless hangover. How can you beat it? Drinking water is the solution. When you drink alcohol, it dehydrates you, leading to throbbing headaches because your brain craves water. After a few glasses of water, you should start to feel better. If you want to avoid a hangover altogether, then drinking a glass of water between alcoholic beverages will prevent you from getting drunk and keep you hydrated.
Water Keeps Christmas Colds at Bay
When you get dehydrated, your nose gets dried out due to a lack of mucus. As gross as mucus is, it is the first line of defense against germs getting into your body. Drinking enough water will keep holiday bugs from getting into your system and running your holiday.
Water Keeps You From Packing On the Holiday Pounds
Turkey, stuffing, cake, cookies, candy, and more come out during the holidays. If you have an issue putting down the fruit cake or pudding, drinking water can help. Water makes your stomach feel full, enabling you to resist the temptation of holiday food.
Make Sure Your Water is Healthy this Holiday Season
As you can tell, drinking water is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy, so you should ensure that your water is also healthy. There could be things like chemicals and microbes in your water. How can you get rid of these contaminants? Installing a water filtration system will ensure that your water is clean and healthy so you stay healthy.
We Can Ensure Your Holiday’s Have Healthy Water
If you reside in the Martin, St. Lucie, or Indian River counties and want to ensure that your water is free of contaminates, contact us. We can analyze your water and tell you what filtration system will work best for your home. Contact us today, and one of our water experts will be happy to discuss your home’s filtration needs.