How Does You Tap Water Travel From Its Source To Your Faucet
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Tap Water: From the Source to Your Faucet 

Whenever you turn on your faucet, it’s there. Water flows into your sink, washer, bathtub, or sprinklers without fail. But how does water get to your home? It’s not magic or some strange natural phenomenon. Let’s find out how water reaches your home. Here is the journey of tap water from the source to your faucet.

City water filtration systems in Port St. Lucie FLThe Hydrological or Water Cycle

To understand how water reaches your home, we have to start with where it can be found. You probably were taught about the hydrological or water cycle in elementary school. If you don’t remember, here is a refresher- 

  • Water evaporates from lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and plants.
  • The evaporated water floats up to the upper troposphere (the layer of atmosphere we live in) and, in rare cases, the stratosphere.
  • When the conditions are right, the clouds will become precipitation and fall to Earth.
  • Rain falls, snow melts on mountains and the ground, hail falls, and all are absorbed by the Earth and become groundwater, and the cycle repeats.

Where Does Tap or Potable Water Come From?

There are several ways to collect water for drinking, bathing, and washing clothes.


Twenty percent of the world’s freshwater supply comes from groundwater. It is found by drilling into the ground or where it bubbles up in a spring-fed lake or pond. After being filtered through rocks and sand, groundwater is relatively clean, but it should always be treated by a municipality, to be sure.

Surface Water

We see surface water every day in ponds, streams, lakes, and rivers. It also covers most of the Earth, but as you know, salt water isn’t suitable for drinking or bathing unless it’s desalinated. The fresh groundwater can be harvested by several methods and transported to a water treatment plant.

How Does Tap Water Get to Your Home?

Any water collected from the ground or ocean must be treated before it reaches your faucet. Once treated, there are a number of ways to transport it.

Municipal Water Systems

A government official oversees a staff that manages all aspects of water treatment and transportation. The water undergoes a process to remove all microorganisms before it is allowed to leave the water treatment plant. Once it has been processed, it will be pushed to your home by a network of pumps.

Well Water

In more rural areas, municipal water may not be available; in those circumstances, it’s necessary to drill a well. Drilling usually can go as much as two hundred feet deep to reach the aquifer. Once the drilling is completed, a pump moves water from the well into your home’s pipes.

Other Methods of Water Use

In some cases, water can be recycled from appliances such as air conditioners to water the lawn. In places where municipal water and wells are not possible, a rain collection system can be set up or springs accessed.

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To Sum Up

As you can see, there are several steps before tap water reaches your faucet for use.

Ensure Your Tap Water is Drinkable

If you want to ensure your drinking water is safe, we can install a water filtration system. Atlantic Coast Water Clinic can help you determine what filtration system will work for you and then install it. We can also perform maintenance and provide additional filtration systems; we’ve been doing it since 1976; we have the experience and knowledge to help you.

If you reside in the greater Treasure Coast area, call us at 772-283-4767 or fill out our simple contact form, a water expert will gladly discuss picking the right water filtration system and installing it. Be sure your drinking water is safe. Get in touch now!